

Serving a 日益增长的 manufacturing and distribution enterprise across the globe, 一家全球客户特定组件制造公司需要一个解决方案来自动化其网络管理,以降低运营成本并提高最终用户十大赌博正规老平台的可用性. Entuity was chosen for its enterprise-class functionality, 实时网络监控, 信息的准确性, and integration with BMC TrueSight 操作 Management.



  • 4100专业人士


  • More than 21 Countries in Europe, 北美, 和亚洲


  • 企业网络管理

在欧洲21个国家拥有超过65个工厂的全球制造和分销网络, 北美, 和亚洲, centrally managing and serving this customer- specific, 精密成型零部件公司的关键业务十大赌博正规老平台对于4100多名员工来说似乎是一项不可逾越的任务. But that’s just an average day for this manufacturing group. Based in two centralized data centers located in Switzerland, all of the company’s main business, 沟通, 存储, 会计, 客户管理, and ordering systems are hosted for maximum efficiency and ease of maintenance. 将所有这些站点的用户(以及集团与其客户)连接起来的是一个复杂的分布式网络基础设施,它为企业生产力提供了基础.

The group consists of four business units, including an in-house IT service provider. Although their product lines and markets they serve are diverse, they all share the main electronic business systems.

The Challenge: 十大赌博正规老平台 Spanning the Globe
对集团业务应用程序的全球访问取决于其LAN和WAN网络环境的可用性. To ensure their network is optimally deployed 高效地执行, the group relies upon Entuity as their primary network management solution. Keeping users productive at all of these sites requires the continued, 其特定业务单元的应用程序和电子系统的不间断运行. Business services such as supply chain management (SCM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), advanced product quality planning (APQP), 财务与会计, 人力资源, and warehouse systems are all centrally provided from the data centers. 集团的会计制度, 哪个是基于SAP的, 在Oracle数据库中存储所有位置的关键事务信息的各种模块. 确保安全, 备份, and longevity of electronic records, all critical business data is stored centrally as well.

连接所有站点的是一个基于Internet-VPN或MPLS链路的复杂的分布式网络. 就像身体的动脉, the network carries these critical business systems delivering life’s blood to the business, 保持活力, 日益增长的, 高效地执行. If the network is down or is even slow, user productivity is negatively impacted at a minimum. 如果有网络中断, 客户交易可能会中断,导致业务收入损失,并降低盈利能力. A representative example is the warehouse system used by one of the divisions in Valence, France. Based on a SAP TRM installation hosted in Switzerland, all customer orders are received and sent as warehouse transactions over the network. If there is a network interruption, 不会处理任何订单, warehouse personnel would not be dispatched, 货物也不会被运送出去. The same criticality of network connectivity applies to the office infrastructure, where business 沟通 would be at stake.

The Solution: Network Availability
网络的可用性和容量是提供业务十大赌博正规老平台的重要因素, a versatile network management system capable of proactive issue notification was required. 其中包括广泛的设备和操作阈值,以提醒IT人员问题,以便在任何用户经历十大赌博正规老平台中断或降级之前修复这些问题. 网络管理解决方案,包含网络管理员所需的全部功能, 与基于BMC十大赌博正规老平台保障产品的战略业务十大赌博正规老平台管理(BSM)平台完全集成.

使用Entuity, the group has implemented a network management solution that solves their operational challenges. 与Entuity, IT人员拥有整个网络的自顶向下视图,每个业务位置都有单独的视图. 视图包括十大赌博正规老平台于特定业务单元(包括本地设备和中心设备)的所有网络组件的逻辑集合,以从用户的角度提供性能和操作取证. 这为IT人员提供了必要的信息和洞察力,以便就最佳十大赌博正规老平台交付的容量和可用性做出明智的决策.

“Entuity为我们提供了一个自上而下的、以业务为中心的网络视图,这是我们以前所没有的,” says their manager of Technology & 操作. “这让我们从用户的角度清楚地看到为每个地点提供十大赌博正规老平台的完整基础设施, including devices both at the local facility and our central operations center, to better manage and reliably deliver services to our user community.”

With the Entuity for BMC TrueSight 操作 Management, 该公司能够将其网络的监控和管理集成到其BSM平台中,以进一步自动化基础设施支持. Realtime network monitoring is accomplished with Entuity. Entuity报告的性能或操作事件随后被转发到TrueSight进行关联和处理. 然后使用BMC的报警点自动将事件发送给正确的IT人员,包括Help Desk和二级支持. 有了合适的、最有经验的人员,不仅可以更快地解决问题, 但由于所有员工都没有分心评估不适用于他们的故障单,因此整体员工效率有所提高.

集中他们的IT基础设施通过在几个方面提供规模经济帮助集团降低了成本. Internet-VPN connections with strong, 与具有昂贵sla的专用连接十大赌博正规老平台相比,实时监控提供的传输成本更低.

The number and variety of Internet Service Providers keeps competition high and costs low. 集中部署应用程序和数据存储可以减少维护时间和成本,并为最终用户提供一致的十大赌博正规老平台. It also simplifies hardware requirements at remote facilities. 自动化警报和事件分配流程可以减少终端用户的中断,并提高IT操作的效率. By combining event information in the BSM system, downtime of end-user services is reduced. With these monitoring and management systems in place including Entuity, 他们可以为全球超过65个地点的数千名用户提供高水平的十大赌博正规老平台,而只需2名全职网络管理人员.

The amount of electricity used by the group in running their business units is of 日益增长的 concern. It not only has an impact on operational costs, but also the environment and the local communities surrounding their businesses. Demonstrating their commitment to the environment, 可持续性, and minimizing their impact on global climate change, they are committed to 可持续性 and the conservation of resources, and regards them as fundamental tasks aimed at securing the future of the company. Power conservation is one of the criteria used in evaluating business partnerships.

-技术经理 & 操作

Entuity的绿色IT视角为集团提供了对其各个业务单元的电力消耗的可见性和洞察力. 来自绿色IT视角的报告详细说明了团体或个人使用的电量,以及他们对旨在节省电力的既定关机策略的遵守情况. They also quantify potential areas for savings. The reports are shared with users to promote additional savings, 建立对使用公司计算机资源如何影响公司的意识和个人责任. The Green IT Perspective also identifies underutilized servers. Applications can be resource-leveled, making efficient use of compute power.

Entuity takes the work out of network management. 我们的高度自动化, unied enterprise-class solution puts deep network insight at your fingertips, 使IT人员能够专注于战略项目,并轻松地与主要框架和网络环境集成. Entuity’s support and services teams are frequently praised for their rapid response, networking expertise and involvement in special engagements. Founded in 1997 by two senior-level IT executives from the financial industry, Entuity is headquartered in London with US operations in Boston.

Keep browsing our site to learn more about Entuity软件™ or ParkView’s 网络管理十大赌博正规老平台.